Hi, my name is Lucas De Sordi,
I am a Brazilian Architect, Product and Interaction Designer,
I hold a Master’s degree in Interactive Medias from IaaC - Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, establishment connected with Fab Lab Barcelona, Spain. Also a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from UniCeub - University Center of Brasilia, Brazil.
In practice, I am a multi-scale designer that allies research in digital computational tools and other technologies in the pursuit for new solutions and experiences. I am passionate about responsive strategies, and I am always looking for kinetic and interactive possibilities.
Apart from my lifelong love for technology, my formal studies in parametric design, digital fabrication, physical computation and to some extent in interaction design go back to 2011, when I went to AA Visiting School and in the following editions as fabrication assistant. This period led me to the Master in Advanced Interaction, where I had studios on coding, wearables, data sciences, UI/UX, IoT, smart cities and emergent futures speculations, besides digital fabrication and physical computation at the Fab Lab Barcelona.
In 2013 I moved to São Paulo to work at Atelier Marko Brajovic, one of the finest scenography studios in Brazil. At that time I had the chance to learn about and work with exhibition spaces, branding and experience design. Also I contributed to projects of all sorts of scales, such as a park, a sustainability fair, exhibition stands, a museum, art and urban furniture pieces.
Back to Brasília in 2016, I worked at Thomas Jefferson´s Makerspace, the major one in town. While there I worked as, what I call, a ‘professional maker’ operating the machinery, aiding in many projects on social innovation, assistive technologies and education. In addition, I have been producing and teaching in workshops related on tech and design, such as PRODUCTIFY by helping people to think and materialize interactive products; as a tutor in the Sensible Shelters, a research group on kinetic and responsive structures, from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, teaching robotics, movement and physical / digital integration, and wearables at Brasília’s Fab Lab. Also, produced and taught on places like Campus Party and World Water Forum.
I am currently looking to enhance my acquired capacities with studies about non-traditional spatiality and user experiences. I want to see what I can achieve with it, specially by the use of media art and kinect installations.
Thanks for attention.